Prayer For the Week of May 14th-May 20th
May 14, 2021
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Examples of prayer: offer a rosary that day, your mass intentions, or do a partial fast.Prayer for the week of Friday, May 14th - Thursday, May 20th:We implore you St. Joseph, Light of Patriarchs!We pray for St. Joseph to shed light and inspiration on those organizing the summit and light into areas with problems that need to be solved.
We appreciate your service of prayer to cover this summit with intercession.Visit to register today to attend OUR SPIRITUAL FATHER: Pilgrimage to the Heart of Saint Joseph this Sept 30-Oct3 and be sure to invite your friends and family. Together, let's pilgrimage to the heart of Saint Joseph! Saint Joseph, pray for us!#YearOfSaintJoseph #SaintJosephsummit #saintjosephprayerteam
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